The Community Pre-School is on Facebook!
Follow us at www.facebook.com/communitypresch
for the latest news and updates
Pre-School Committee
We are delighted to welcome our new committee members who have joined us from the AGM. Emily Reeve has taken over at Chair, Ali Marshall as Secretary and Ian Banks as Treasurer. If anyone is interested in joining our committee to help the running of Pre-School, please speak to staff.
30 hour codes
Remember if you are claiming the 30 hours of childcare you need to renew your code every 3 months and then pass this code to a member of staff. If you have any questions about this or any childcare funding, please speak to Kay.
Parents Come and Play!
We always love to welcome parents into Pre-School to either help out the ladies or play with the children. if you have a spare couple of hours and would like to join us in session, please write your name on the parent rota which can be found in the hall way.
Travelling Ted
If you are going on holiday, out for the day or just having fun at home, Ted would love to join in the fun! Just ask the ladies if Ted can come home with you. We would love to see photos from your adventures together!
Keep a look out in the Diary section for important dates.